The new shopping journey

11月前 135

In the constantly evolving scenario of commerce, the consumer's shopping journey has undergone a profound transformation. With technological advancement and increasing digital integration in our lives, consumption habits have changed significantly. In this article, we will explore the new shopping journey and how retail is adapting to meet the needs and expectations of the new consumer profile.

the consumer journey in retail: an overview 
Previously, the consumer's shopping journey was more linear and predictable, generally following a pattern: problem recognition, search for information about products or services, consideration of options, purchase decision and, finally, the post-purchase phase of evaluating the product. product.

However, with the emergence of technology and the internet, this traditional journey has been transformed. Consumers now Phone Number List have instant access to information, detailed research and product reviews, allowing them to make more informed purchasing decisions.



the influence of digital media
Digital media play a fundamental role in the new shopping journey. Social networks, for example, have a significant influence on purchasing decisions, as consumers seek reviews and recommendations from other users before making a decision.

Additionally, blogs and online content offer valuable information about products and services, allowing consumers to research and compare options more efficiently. Brands' online presence is essential for connecting with consumers at different stages of the journey.

mobile commerce and the omnichannel journey 
With the increased use of smartphones and mobile devices, consumers are embracing mobile commerce as a convenient way to shop. They expect companies to offer mobile-optimized websites and apps that make the navigation and shopping experience easier.

Furthermore, the shopping journey has become omnichannel, where consumers are not limited to a single purchasing platform. They switch between physical and online stores, expecting the experience to be consistent and integrated across all touchpoints.

personalization and customer experience
Personalization is one of the most relevant trends in the new shopping journey. With access to detailed data on consumer behavior, companies have the ability to personalize the shopping experience to meet each customer's individual preferences.

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