Three out of four Brazilians prefer to buy from local companies

11月前 143

Also indicate the permissions that will be granted to the new person. After completing the fields, click Save . User has been added to the account. Users receive an email Added users will now receive an email containing an activation link. Once activated, he can log into your company's account and send documents for signature on your behalf. Remember, as an administrator, you have the authority to add, delete, or edit user data at any time. : Additional features when sending documents in the Otanti Academy series will help you better understand our online document signing platform.


Take some time to contact us to learn about other options for sending documents via , which can make your job easier. Not only is it fast and easy to use, it also gives you a wide range of features you can use when signing documents. We show them step by step in the video photo retouching below. Convenient Features After selecting the appropriate files to send to recipients, you can choose to add optional additional messages for each party. Please refer to previous arrangements or provide other necessary information. Importantly, if the signer of the document is a foreigner, you can change the language version of the signature card for them. The signer may be a person whose data you have stored in the Platform address book. Use them or save recipient details for future reference.



If the document is signed by a company representative (eg contractor) Select the Organization Representative option and fill in the required recipient fields such as title, company he represents The process of issuing certificates of conformity to customers is completely remote, which makes this solution one of the most innovative. The digital revolution is coming BNP Paribas has once again proven that the digital revolution is not just a slogan, but a very concrete and measurable strategy for implementing innovative solutions within the group for the benefit of the bank's customers. A lease agreement is an example of a document that, up to now, could only be signed by hand on paper in order to be valid. 

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