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It will also give us a clue as to whether we meet the level required to take it or if we are too low or high. And it is useless to take a course on something we already know . Another important aspect. What do the companies I want to work for need from me? Will this online training give me the knowledge and tools that I will use in my day to day in my new job? In this sense, Fundación Telefónica 's.

Employment Map can help you find out what skills and knowledge Spanish companies need and what professions, among the most in demand, make use of these skills. How much time do you have? If you are unemployed, in principle you have all the time in  photo editor the world. Or as some experts say, looking for a job is a job in itself. Training to find a job is also. But it may also be the case that you currently have a job but want to benefit from online training in your spare time.

Whatever your situation, choosing a good online training will depend on the time you have available. It is useless to sign up for an online course limited to certain hours if you are not going to comply with them. If you only have a few hours during the week, focus on digital education that does not depend on schedules . Nowadays, many online courses are based on videos that you can play whenever you want. See them again, read the texts that accompany them and consult your tutor or trainer with an email within more flexible hours. 

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